How much you would like to earn per month or even per day (cause this bonus is paid on a daily basis) is entirely up to you.
Here is the plan...
Join Member RM40 (whole life that comes with a Sales Kit)
A bottle of Gamat Asli is :
Non Member RM77
Member RM70
It has 35 BV and 35 RV BV : Bonus Value RV: Ranking Value
1. Power Real Time 10%
When you Direct Sponsor a new member, you will get 10% on the total BV when they join. Plus RM10. Calculated immediately up submission!
2. Power Matching 40%
When you Direct Sponsor a new member in Group A and Group B, you will get a 20% on the BV. Calculated by the next day! And this, my friend, is the Unlimited Level that I was talking about. And you only need to sponsor 2 members, one in Group A and another one in Group B.
A. You managed to sponsor 2 new members with 300 BV each (12 Bottles of Gamat RM759).
So, your Power Matching Bonus is 300BV x 20% = RM60
B. Your 2 new members also managed to sponsor 2 new members just like you (Duplication).
Now, your Power Matching Bonus is 600BV x 20% = RM120
C. Look at the Duplication Chart below and you will find that when the BV has reached 30,000BV that's how you come out with RM6,000. 30000BV x 20% = RM6000
Assuming Each New Member join in with 200BV (8 Bottles of Gamat RM476)
Month Members BV RM
1 2 200 40
2 4 400 80
3 8 800 160
4 16 1600 320
5 32 3200 640
6 64 6400 1280
7 128 12800 2560
8 256 25600 5120
9 512 51200 10240
10 1024 102400 20480
11 2048 204800 40960
12 4096 409600 81920
Well, you will be paid a Daily Max depending on which account that you have sign in right at the beginning!
Rank RV Ranking Value Daily Max RM
1. Titanium 3000 (RM6000+) 6000
2. Platinium 1200 (RM2800+) 2800
3. Gold 600 (RM1200+) 1200
4. Classic 200 (RM400+) 400
Basically, if you would like to earn some extra income, you will only need to Sponsor 2 New Members who would like to earn some extra income too! And your extra income ranges from RM400 to RM6000 Max per Day.